Its More Fun

Friday, October 31, 2014

Jack of the Lantern

How to make a home made Jack-o'-lantern

1.Buy a gourd (calabash). Pumpkins are usually overpriced during this time of the year and compared to the US, it is several times more expensive here in Southeast Asia. Argg!

2. Cut off the top to form a lid. Remember to return the lid at the end and re-position back on the top.

3. Scoop out the inside flesh. This is a tricky business, as it seems never ending of scooping in and out to expose its hollow interior.

Designed by Mr. Vogt

4. Have several designs and decide which pattern to choose for this year. It helps to have a team of creative people to decide which is the best design to be use for the occasion.

5. Start carving. Make sure you have several sharp knives, as this will enhance the carving process.

6. As a finishing touch and to have the lantern effect, place a tea light or candle inside the hollow pumpkin.

Postscript (P.S.)

Make your make your own (MYO) Jack-o'-lantern / un feu follet / fuego fatuo / calabaza na lampara / kürbislaterne as the centerpiece of your Halloween decorations.  Happy Hallowe'en!!!

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