Its More Fun

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Halal Jollibee

Halal Certified Jollibee Branch

The global industry for Halal food is estimated to be worth trillions of pesos worldwide. It is a chance for our Filipino Muslim and residents of Mindanao to take advantage of these opportunities and be an active role in nation building. 

Across our islands, we have to have more Halal certified restaurants. Manila and Cebu in particular our lacking of options and is often times difficult to find restaurants or chains that our certified Halal. 

Since we have more visitors, investors and tourist from around the world, our businessmen and young entrepreneurs have to see the potential of this sector and invest in Halal certification and offer great food to our Muslim friends and non-Muslim who equally enjoy good tasting cuisine. 

Jollibee Singapore is Halal Certified 

Inside Jollibee Singapore. Order please?

Halal Certification

Visit the Islamic Da'wah Council of the Philippines

other blogs about Jollibee:

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